Introducing VirtualiSurg & Dräger’s Latest Innovation in Brussels

Training in virtual reality with – several people, simultaneously, and in different parts of the world! That’s the promise of VirtualiSurg‘s #Mediverse.

It was a great honour (and a little stress due to the famous demo effect) to organise a live training session between Brussels and Sao Paulo, in front of a packed room of medical education experts. Dräger’s Seana Martin, RRT FCSRT and our very own Philippe Bertrand were excellent at presenting a short extract from an #innovative training simulation on clinical and #empathic practice for #neonatal intensive #care.

Thanks to the expert’s advice and collaborative efforts from the learner (our audience at Brussels), we were able to perform the appropriate gestures to reactivate the vital functions of the virtual premature baby.

What a feeling to be in Brussels for the 8th Annual European Medical Device and Diagnostic Clinical Training and Education Conference, on the 9th November. Looking forward to the next!

Dräger #virtualreality #medicaleducation #xr #medtech #innovation #MedDeviceConference.
Meta #virtuo

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